Norovirus: What is it and How Do I Avoid It?

Have you not ever experienced a wave of sickness, spewing out of food-pipe, and diarrhea which have left you feeling utterly wretched? Therefore, if it you closely you might have passed by the notorious norovirus. Usually known as the “stomach bug” or “winter vomiting bug” norovirus is the other name of a highly transmissible virus that results in acute gastroenteritis which in turn gives rise to the diarrhoea. This article covers everything you should know about norovirus – from identifying its symptoms and causes to finding out what techniques are the most effective for prevention and ward off theses foes.

Understanding Norovirus: A Microscopic Menace

Norovirus belongs to Calicivirus group which is an extended family of viruses. This is a super resistant and very captivating virus that can survive for long on the surfaces. Also, it is capable of resisting most disinfectants. Each respective season has its own unique prevalence point along with the potential for year round outbreaks. 

  • Transmission: A droplet nucleus strategy explains the spread of norovirus predominantly via the fecal-oral route. This may take place through the consumption of contaminated foods or water, contact with people infected by the virus directly (including contact with a sick sufferer through the mouth or anus), as well as by touching contaminated surfaces and then taking the virus into your body in this manner.
  • Symptoms: Norovirus produces symptoms within the first 12-48 hours after contact and approximately lasts for 1-3 days. Amongst them, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, chills, and headache are frequently reported.
  • High Contagiousness: The most notorious norovirus is very contagious. A matter of a very small dose of virus is sufficient to get it. This is actually the most challenging in a crowded environment just as schools, daycare centers, and cruise ships among others.

The Misery of Norovirus: Symptoms and Their Impact

Although, the norovirus is not fatal for the healthy individuals, but the adverse consequence can be really unhappy and a major headache in life. Very often, it takes one for a ride by making her suffer from nausea and eventually vomiting. And loss of appetite centred on diarrhea often poses a danger of dehydration. These symptoms can be particularly alarming to children, adults, and people with minor or no immune system.

Along with the body pain, the virus can also cause jobs or class absences, thus affecting productivity in the work place or annoying the classroom activities. On the bright side, however, norovirus doesn’t prescribe any exclusive treatment for the virus. We highly regard the control of the symptoms in the meantime as well as sufficient water supply to avoid secondary issues. Most people who catch norovirus infection will never experience any life-impairing health issues because of the disease.

Defending Yourself: Effective Strategies to Prevent Norovirus Infection

There is no vaccine available to prevent norovirus infection. However, by following some key prevention strategies, you can significantly reduce your risk of encountering this unwelcome visitor:

  • Frequent Handwashing: This guarantees to be the best way of avoiding norovirus. Make sure you always clean your hands thoroughly using soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Do this especially before eating after you prepare food, change diapers, or go to the restroom.
  • Disinfect Surfaces: Be sure to regular wipe down surfaces, and focus mainly on high touch areas that include doors knobs, countertops and bathroom fixtures. Doabor an appropriate disinfectant whose label says effective against norovirus.
  • Careful Food Handling: Develop safe food handling habits, especially those focusing on food safety and hygiene. Please wash your fruit and vegetables before eating.Cook shellfish thoroughly. Do not eat any foods which have not been cooked properly or have a source that could have an effect on one’s health.
  • Stay Home When Sick: If you are currently feeling the effect of norovirus, then stay at home or at least out of work or school as to avoid transmitting the disease to other people. Try to refrain from preparing food for others and keep in mind the essential handwashing principles as they will help to minimize the spread of the flu virus.
  • Wash Clothes and Linens: Wash clothes, towels, and linens which might have been in contact with vomits or stools – good idea that you could take into consideration – with hot water and detergent.

Living with Norovirus: When to Seek Medical Attention

While most norovirus infections resolve on their own within a few days, there are situations where seeking medical attention might be necessary. Here are some signs that warrant a visit to the doctor:

  • Severe dehydration: Symptoms of dehydration for example, include: intense thirst, a head spinning, lightheadedness and a dry mouth with very little secretion of urine.
  • Bloody stool: If you feel blood stool, please you contact doctor to exclude other possible sources which can cause similar symptoms.
  • Persistent symptoms: If a period of 3 days is passed for you and your symptoms remain the same, or even get worse, be sure to consult your doctor.
  • High-risk individuals: For the category of high-risk group, including young children, older people, or people with low immune systems, contacting with doctors is essential even if you have a little health problems.


A norovirus, however perilous it might seem, can be dealt with by availing knowledge tools so as to have an upper hand in its prevention. Through the proper hygiene practices, using safe food handling techniques as well as being careful where you come in contact with something which could potentially be contaminated, you can arm yourself in helping you to stay health and fight the miserable situation of norovirus infection.Remember, knowledge is power. As a result of being well-informed and proactive, you will be defeating the stomach bug and so safeguarding your health and vigour.